Copper Bouquet
Copper Bouquet
Copper Bouquet
Copper Bouquet

Copper Bouquet


19th-century oil painting on wood, signed Lillie Honnorat and dated 1890 in the lower right-hand corner. 

A gorgeous dark floral, with blended brushstrokes and dark smoky colors. The bouquet is in a carafe vase, which is barely visible, and certain. petals catch the light and jump out of the painting, while the rest blur into the background, and are visible close-up. This still life was created with a high level of technique and control of the subject. 

Lillie Honnorat was born in the mid-late 1800's and specialized in flowers. She was collected by many prominent families in Marseille and around Provence. She is believed to have lived into the 1930's or 1940's but her biography does not exist today.

  • Overall Size: 22.4" x 19.2" / 57.9cm x 49.5cm.
  • Size without the frame: 16.1" x 12.5" / 41cm x 32.5cm.
  • Country: France.
  • Signed: Lillie Honnorat (19th-20th century)
  • Date: 1890. 
  • Materials: Oil painting on wood with an antique wooden frame.
  • Condition: Wonderful condition for age. The frame is not original from the period but is in wonderful condition as well. It has been repainted in recent years.
  • Shipping: This painting includes free shipping. An additional fee is applied for Australia, New Zealand, and Asia.
See the full Dark Romantics collection