Le Petit Pont
20th century Belgium School oil painting on wood signed (illegible) in the lower right. The work has texture to the touch.
This painting shows an Impressionist style portrayal of a charming bridge and the houses around it. The artist has used lively brushstrokes to create texture. The lighting is moderate and adds a realistic feel to the overall composition. The artist has paid careful attention to the reflections on the water, which adds to the immersive and peaceful atmosphere. The vintage wooden frame also adds to the cozy and rustic ambiance of the painting.
- Overall size: 18.5" x 22.4" / 47.5cm x 57cm.
- Size without the frame: 15.7" x 19.6" / 40cm x 50cm.
- Country: Belgium.
- Signed: Yes (illegible).
- Date: Early 20th century.
- Condition: The work is in good condition despite some rare gaps and traces. The old frame also bears traces of time and has no lack despite some impacts.
- Materials: Oil on a wood panel with a wood frame.
- Shipping: Free Global Shipping with a small surcharge added for Australia and Asia.