Deux Hirondelles
19th-century French School oil on wood dedicated to C.Renard. The painting is smooth to the touch.
A still life with a beautiful light emanating from the bouquet standing before a dark gradient green background. The abundant bouquet depicts a blissful moment suggested by the floating flowers and flying swallows. The shadows and flowers' detailed composition reminds us of the 18th-century Flemish School still life.
- Overall size: 14.5" x 11" / 37.5cm x 28cm .
- Size without the frame: 12.2" x 8.2" / 31.5cm x 21.5cm.
- Provenance: France.
- Signed: C.Renard (19th century).
- Date: Early 19th-century.
- Condition: The wooden panel has a few small gaps but otherwise the condition is very good. The frame has scattered gaps and impacts.
- Materials: Oil on wood.
- Shipping: Free Worldwide DHL Express to USA & Europe (with a surcharge for Australia/New Zealand)