Man in Profile
Original Antique European Oil Painting: 19th-century Belgian school, portrait of a man, oil on canvas, signed D.Jacobs (1887-1967), who was an impressionist painter from Liège.
A captivating portrait of a man in profile, turned away from the artist and gazing downwards. The intricate facial features stand out beautifully with the layering of the oil paints, and the contrast of light and dark. The light shines on the forehead, nose and beard of the subject, creating a wisdom and serious effect. Gravity and tension emerge from the work, creating a thoughtful portraiture.
- Overall size: 18.8" x 14.9" / 48.5cm x 38.5cm.
- Size without the Frame: 14.1" x 9.8" / 36.5cm x 25cm.
- Provenance: Belgium.
- Signed: Yes, D.Jacobs (1887-1967).
- Date: Early-Mid 1900's.
- Condition: The canvas is in good condition, but there is restoration in the dark shoulder of the man. The restoration was a split crack (1.5") which has been closed with a linen patch on the back and painted in dark. However, there is dimpling and a notable indent of this restoration on the figure, visible from some angles. It does not detract from the beauty of the piece and is secure to prevent further damages. The carved wooden frame has a few small gaps and impacts but the moldings are in very good condition.
- Materials: Oil on stretched canvas.
- Shipping: Free Worldwide DHL Express to USA & Europe, with a surcharge for Australia and New Zealand.