Femme de profil
Antique French oil painting: Portrait of a young woman in profile, this oil painting is from the late 1800s or early 1900s France. The sitter is serene and has a beautiful light that touches her face, and illuminates her against the blue-green backdrop.
The artist used a consistent brush stroke to soften the overall appearance of the portrait, creating a peaceful harmony.
- Overall size: 15" x 18.3" / 38cm x 46.5cm.
- Provenance: France.
- Signed: No.
- Date: Late XIX century - Early XXe century.
- Condition: A tiny pin prick hole in the hair of the woman, where some canvas is exposed.
- Materials: Oil on stretched canvas.
- Shipping: Free Worldwide DHL Express to USA & Europe, with a surcharge for Australia and New Zealand.